
SwipeGuide is a tool that helps you create step-by-step instructions from your photos and videos, and share them instantly on any device. The project was commissioned by Atrivision, a Netherlands-based consultancy firm specialized in e-learning solutions.


Product tutorials and manuals are seldom enticing enough for users to read. They also tend to be poorly optimized for mobile devices. Netherlands-based Atrivision set out to develop a simple tool in order to solve this problem. However, they lacked the internal capacity to develop the tool in-house and validate market interest. Therefore, they decided to work with StarterSquad.


Atrivision approached us in the Summer of 2014. An early prototype and a website with a basic landing page were set up by the end of June. Our team also developed sample tutorials to create use cases and share these with potential clients and investors. In addition, Atrivision hired StarterSquad’s marketing specialists to raise awareness on social media and develop a content marketing strategy for the product.

Thanks to the MVP and increasing interest from potential clients, SwipeGuide received a funding injection in mid 2014 and is currently being developed. The tool is scheduled to launch in the Fall of 2014.