
Ucourse is a social learning platform that makes online course creation easy. The tool is aimed at training institutes and experts that want to digitize their course offering in the most seamless and customer-friendly manner. The idea and MVP was originally developed by Sanoma Lab. Today, it is also part of StarterSquad’s LaunchLab in joint collaboration.


Ucourse was first tested as an online education platform for consumers in 2013. The tool focused on leisure courses back then. The following year, Sanoma Lab decided to pivot towards professional training and they needed a partner who was experienced in building e-learning tools and platforms. StarterSquad and e-learning company Atrivision proved to be the ideal match.


StarterSquad joined the Ucourse founding team and was commissioned to develop the platform based on validated learning. We recruited the first 3 launching customers and worked with them to build the frontend and backend. Our team is also supporting Ucourse with growth hacking and is a key member in the startup’s commercial development.

The first version of Ucourse was released in May 2015. The platform enables trainers to share presentations, tutorials, and questionnaires online. It has great social features and a user friendly mobile experience. Customers are able to integrate virtual classroom experiences with physical meet-ups: Ucourse offers trainers a fully customized online component to offline training.

“For 2 years now I’ve immersed myself in e-learning and research on social learning innovation. It is fantastic to work together with a great team of StarterSquad experts on the development of Ucourse.” – Marie-Louise Kok (Intrapreneur Sanoma Lab and founder at Ucourse)