
Optima is a mathematical model and software tool for analyzing and projecting HIV epidemics, conducting health economic assessments of clinical and public health programs, and calculating optimal allocations of resources to meet constrained strategic objectives. Optima is a joint project of the HIV modeling team at the Kirby Institute and the World Bank.


The Optima team needed a web-based interface to launch the tool but did not have the capacity available to build the web platform.


StarterSquad was commissioned to develop an online platform for Optima’s users to access the software package. Our team developed the front end of the platform, helping the expert modelers at the Kirby Institute deliver their optimization tool as a cloud-based product.

Optima was released and is now ready to be used by HIV and health decision-makers and planners, helping them serve the needs of HIV patients worldwide. The Kirby Institute’s David Wilson added: “It would not have been possible to have such a high-quality product without the skills, dedication and professionalism of SSQ. The Optima model and software really will revolutionize ways in which HIV epidemics are responded to in many places around the world. This is a valuable product which we are proud of and it will be used to improve the health of many populations.”