
QwikSense is a Dutch startup that helps organizations create a healthier working environment and save energy through actionable sensor data and analytics.


QwikSense approached StarterSquad for assistance with the development of a UI for their sensor. The idea was to create a slick front-end for demos, and a back-end for data processing.


StarterSquad created designs for the UI, focusing on the front-end first. After that, we built the back-end. An important milestone was the successful integration with the sensors, which was delivered in time for their first pilot implementation at the Municipality of Amersfoort. Working with their partner Empowering Management, StarterSquad helped them figure out what needed to be in the MVP. In addition, we assisted them with their marketing strategy and validated the concept with the right target audience. Finally, we coached them on building an internal technical team, while taking on the temporary role of the startup’s CTO.

Following the successful development of their MVP, QwikSense obtained seed funding and entry into Rockstart Accelerator’s Smart Energy program in Amsterdam. Their product is now garnering a lot of interest from potential partners and clients.