3x Why Remote Working Benefits Your Startup

It’s a known fact that startups face problems such as poor business planning and lack dedicated teams. However, there is a solution in sight which makes it easier for startups to stay in the lead in their competitive landscape. More and more startups use remote workers to make sure their business reaches success. Learn in what three ways remote working can benefit your startup. 

1. Remote workers have the expertise you’re looking for

You’ve worked with different teams, but they just don’t seem to pull it off? For companies, there is a wide range of reasons why teams aren’t performing well. It might be that your team members lack a set of skills or face communication problems. But what is important to remember is that you have an influence on the success of your projects. 

Remote teams have an advantage in that they bring innovative ideas forth, because of the variety in cultures and backgrounds of all individuals working together. So start to put the best team together that would benefit your startup in the long run.

Furthermore working with remote teams could do the trick, when people in your region miss the right skills to contribute. But also when costs and productivity are not optimal. 

When considering working with remote developing teams, there are five things you can do as a startup to make every project a success. So take advantage of this knowledge and use it to create a good working environment.

  • Start with a smart briefing
  • Provide fast feedback
  • Keep it simple
  • Go digital
  • Asynchronize where possible 

2. Remote employees are more productive

We all want employees that are good at handling tasks, stay focused and save you a lot of money. Remote workers have the benefit of deciding where they want to work so that they can be as productive as possible. 

Although some people might argue that remote working leads to unproductivity, a survey by Connect Solutions reports that two-thirds of employees are more productive when they work remotely! Even 30 percent said that they accomplished more in less time when they worked at home, being less distracted by socializing with co-workers during office hours. 

3. Remote workers save you costs

Did you know that remote working can save both the company and the employees a lot of money? It has an advantage in that you don’t have expenses like renting a workspace, paying for transportation and furniture, and other overhead costs. 

Additionally, another benefit of remote employees is that they can use their own devices and manage projects through online tools such as Trello and Google Drive. And stay in contact with their team members through for instance Skype. Making it possible to connect with you from anywhere in the world. 

Your first remote team

Will you take the step of working with remote workers? It will definitely save you costs, increase productivity and build teams with more expertise. Now let’s meet the team you will be working with. Visit Squads to find developers for your startup or corporate innovation project.


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