Experienced, scalable, development teams

Get the cohesion of an in-house team with the flexibility of a remote team. Our community of senior-level development teams are here for you, whether you are starting up or scaling up.

The Minimal Viable Product built by Squads was crucial
to convince our investor for the next (funding) round.

Rino Stevens,
founder of Qwiksense
Squads in a nutshell

Remote and risk-free teams

Squads is a platform for remote teams with reliable experience. We offer you, as a founder, the freedom to work with the best teams to make your projects come alive. Start spending less money on expensive offices and ineffective meetings. Work from anywhere in the world with our remote squads. 

Experience the flexibility of a freelance team

Cohesion of an in-house team….

Find teams that realize your projects

We help in product discovery (PO), connect your business idea to a technical implementation (CTO), and iterate with you to find a solution that works (creative team). We then automate those parts of your business prioritized based on risks and opportunities. 

Discover startups
we’ve worked for

Start small, grow big


We increase your execution speed. Track progress on a weekly basis. First go-live in six weeks. We suggest the best and quickest route to validate your idea and build a minimum viable product.


Scale your development with our on-demand capabilities. You determine how and what we build in iterations. Scale-up and down on weekly basis. Pivot and stop anytime!


Development budget is fixed with weekly deliveries. With capacity+ product management is taken care of. We make sure you hit your targets. You will be satisfied, if not you get your money back.

Top quality

We have established teams of highly skilled coders, biz-dev specialists, rockstar designers and growth hackers spread all over the globe. Our diversity makes us special. We keep our teams together for multiple Startup assignments. That raises quality and speed of delivery.

Get a quick assessment of your idea
by one of our founders

Scan your idea
Start working on it
Build your MVP
Scale it up!

Featured blogs

Why startups need regression test automation to reduce risk

The nightmare of any early-stage founder: when you’re building traction and suddenly your product breaks. Fixing it takes time and money that you don’t have. What you do have is a lot of angry customers and a failing business. Larger companies can also face costly setbacks due to problems in their software. Malfunctions in parts… Read more →

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